Chinese mugwort (Artemisia verlotiorum) originally comes from East Asia. This thermophilic species is spreading in Austria, as shown by the increase in the number of records in recent years. Until now, its occurrence was mainly restricted to ruderal sites and riverbanks, but there are increasing local reports of its occurrence in agricultural crops.
The species forms large clonal nests through vegetative reproduction and therefore has the potential to infest large areas. Due to its growth height and dense stands, the plant is a strong competitor to other plant species and yield losses are therefore to be expected. The species can easily be confused with common mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris). Chinese mugwort smells aromatic when crushed and flowers very late (from October).

See also: Follak S. (2023): Der Kamtschatka-Beifuß – ein Problemunkraut mehr? Der Pflanzenarzt 76(9-10), 24–25